Ouvert tous les vendredis soirs à partir de 19h10 à l'IATA Namur, rue de la Montagne (plan)

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Pour déterminer les demi-finalistes qui s'affronteront le 28 juin, un tournoi au système suisse était organisé à la cadence. Au final, Damien André et Vincent Lejeune terminent en tête. Ils seront accompagnés en demi-finales, s'ils sont présents, par Ivan Werner et Audric Engelen.

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
Classement final
Cl. Aff. Pr. Nom Prénom Rnk U Elo Pts XtPts P.Tot. Perf B Cut1 Buch S.B Cum. R.Mut
Andre, Damien
  1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
1 B 1 30 Squelart, Francois 1545 1.0
2 N 1 10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
3 B 1 13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
4 B 1 3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
5 N ½ 2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
3 1977 4.5 0.0 4.5 2174 14.00 16.00 13.75 14.5 0.5
Lejeune, Vincent
  2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
1 N 1 22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
2 B 1 15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
3 N 1 6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
4 B 1 8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
5 B ½ 1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
2 1978 4.5 0.0 4.5 2114 13.50 14.50 12.25 14.5 0.5
Werner, Ivan
  3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
1 B 1 25 Pecceu, Antoine 1580 1.0
2 N 1 14 Van Brussel, Thomas 1660 2.5
3 B 1 4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
4 N 0 1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
5 B 1 7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
1 2066 4.0 0.0 4.0 1997 14.50 17.00 12.50 13.0 1.0
Engelen, Audric
  4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
1 B 1 35 George, Lucas 1490 0.5
2 N 1 24 Pirard, Hugo 1591 1.0
3 N 0 3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
4 B 1 5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
5 N 1 9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
8 1719 4.0 0.0 4.0 1961 13.00 14.50 10.50 12.0 0.0
Moens, Bernard
  5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
1 N 1 37 Piette Jacques, Gabriel 1504 0.0
2 B ½ 9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
3 N 1 7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
4 N 0 4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
5 B 1 13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
7 1744 3.5 0.0 3.5 1816 12.50 14.50 9.00 11.0 -
6 N  
Cebeci, Florian
  6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
1 B 1 36 Moury, Baptiste 1585 0.0
2 N 1 26 Bouque, Gabriel 0 1.0
3 B 0 2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
4 N ½ 14 Van Brussel, Thomas 1660 2.5
5 N 1 8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
41 0 3.5 0.0 3.5 1572 12.50 14.00 8.00 11.0 -
Huang, Kayan
  7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
1 B 1 11 Danloy, Lucas 1435 3.0
2 N 1 27 Maglio, Lorenzo 0 1.0
3 B 0 5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
4 N 1 10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
5 N 0 3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
10 1700 3.0 0.0 3.0 1714 14.00 16.00 8.50 11.0 -
Engelen, Vincent
  8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
1 B 1 20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
2 N 1 16 Dal Zot, David 1614 2.0
3 B 1 17 Braet, Thierry 1672 2.0
4 N 0 2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
5 B 0 6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
5 1849 3.0 0.0 3.0 1726 14.00 16.00 8.00 12.0 -
Andre, Robin
  9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
1 B 1 40 Bourgeois, Clement 0 0.0
2 N ½ 5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
3 B 1 12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
4 N ½ 13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
5 B 0 4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
14 1657 3.0 0.0 3.0 1684 12.50 14.50 7.50 11.0 -
Maloteau, Pierre
  10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
1 N 1 28 Rouchet, Noah 0 1.0
2 B 0 1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
3 N 1 21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
4 B 0 7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
5 N 1 20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
15 1625 3.0 0.0 3.0 1609 11.50 13.00 5.50 9.0 -
11   A
Danloy, Lucas
  11 Danloy, Lucas 1435 3.0
1 N 0 7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
2 B 1 38 Hebrant, Sacha 0 0.0
3 N 1 18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
4 B 1 15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
5 - A        
30 1435 3.0 0.0 3.0 1708 11.50 12.50 5.50 9.0 -
Roly, Antoine
  12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
1 B ½ 26 Bouque, Gabriel 0 1.0
2 N 1 36 Moury, Baptiste 1585 0.0
3 N 0 9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
4 B ½ 18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
5 N 1FF 15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
20 1590 3.0 0.0 3.0 1520 9.00 10.50 5.50 8.5 -
Daher, Mahmoud
  13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
1 N 1 32 Degrave, Arthur 1468 1.0
2 B 1 18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
3 N 0 1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
4 B ½ 9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
5 N 0 5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
9 1711 2.5 0.0 2.5 1700 13.50 15.50 6.00 10.0 -
14   A
Van Brussel, Thomas
  14 Van Brussel, Thomas 1660 2.5
1 N 1 21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
2 B 0 3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
3 N 1 22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
4 B ½ 6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
5 - A        
13 1660 2.5 0.0 2.5 1634 12.50 13.50 4.25 9.0 -
Belin, Simon
  15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
1 B 1 42 Degrave, Ethel 0 0.0
2 N 0 2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
3 B 1 31 Leclercq, Lucas 1605 1.0
4 N 0 11 Danloy, Lucas 1435 3.0
5 B 0ff 12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
12 1672 2.0 0.0 2.0 1580 13.00 14.50 3.50 8.0 -
16   A
Dal Zot, David
  16 Dal Zot, David 1614 2.0
1 N 1 33 Randour, Hector 0 1.0
2 B 0 8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
3 N 1 28 Rouchet, Noah 0 1.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
17 1614 2.0 0.0 2.0 1559 11.50 13.50 4.00 8.0 -
17   A
Braet, Thierry
  17 Braet, Thierry 1672 2.0
1 N 1 39 Dal Zot, Alissia 0 0.0
2 B 1 31 Leclercq, Lucas 1605 1.0
3 N 0 8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
11 1672 2.0 0.0 2.0 1708 11.50 12.50 3.00 9.0 -
Lebec, Clement
  18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
1 B 1 41 George, Thomas 0 0.0
2 N 0 13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
3 B 0 11 Danloy, Lucas 1435 3.0
4 N ½ 12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
5 B ½ 21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
16 1618 2.0 0.0 2.0 1369 10.00 11.50 3.50 6.5 -
Drugmand, Benoit
  19 Drugmand, Benoit 1816 2.0
1 - A        
2 - A        
3 - A        
4 B 1 21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
5 N 1 22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
6 1816 2.0 0.0 2.0 2296 9.00 10.00 2.50 3.0 -
Buchkremer, Quentin
  20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
1 N 0 8 Engelen, Vincent 1849 3.0
2 B 0 28 Rouchet, Noah 0 1.0
3 N 1 38 Hebrant, Sacha 0 0.0
4 B 1 22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
5 B 0 10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
26 1517 2.0 0.0 2.0 1392 9.00 10.00 2.00 5.0 -
Daher, Mustafa
  21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
1 B 0 14 Van Brussel, Thomas 1660 2.5
2 N 1 30 Squelart, Francois 1545 1.0
3 B 0 10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
4 N 0 19 Drugmand, Benoit 1816 2.0
5 N ½ 18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
33 0 1.5 0.0 1.5 1512 11.50 13.50 3.00 4.5 -
Moumni, Sabri
  22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
1 B 0 2 Lejeune, Vincent 1978 4.5
2 N 1 42 Degrave, Ethel 0 0.0
3 B 0 14 Van Brussel, Thomas 1660 2.5
4 N 0 20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
5 B 0 19 Drugmand, Benoit 1816 2.0
23 1575 1.0 0.0 1.0 1399 13.00 14.50 1.50 4.0 -
23   A
George, Michael
  23 George, Michael 1924 1.0
1 N 1 29 Degrave, Corentin 1528 1.0
2 - A        
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
4 1924 1.0 0.0 1.0 2328 11.50 13.50 2.50 5.0 -
24   A
Pirard, Hugo
  24 Pirard, Hugo 1591 1.0
1 N 1 38 Hebrant, Sacha 0 0.0
2 B 0 4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
19 1591 1.0 0.0 1.0 1469 11.50 12.50 1.00 5.0 -
25 N A
Pecceu, Antoine
  25 Pecceu, Antoine 1580 1.0
1 N 0 3 Werner, Ivan 2066 4.0
2 B 1 39 Dal Zot, Alissia 0 0.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
22 1580 1.0 0.0 1.0 1594 11.50 12.50 1.00 4.0 -
26   A
Bouque, Gabriel
  26 Bouque, Gabriel 0 1.0
1 N ½ 12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
2 B 0 6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
3 N ½ 33 Randour, Hector 0 1.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
40 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 420 10.50 12.50 2.25 4.0 -
27 N A
Maglio, Lorenzo
  27 Maglio, Lorenzo 0 1.0
1 - B1        
2 B 0 7 Huang, Kayan 1700 3.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
42 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1230 10.50 12.50 2.00 5.0 -
28   A
Rouchet, Noah
  28 Rouchet, Noah 0 1.0
1 B 0 10 Maloteau, Pierre 1625 3.0
2 N 1 20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
3 B 0 16 Dal Zot, David 1614 2.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
35 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1475 10.50 12.50 2.00 4.0 -
29   A
Degrave, Corentin
  29 Degrave, Corentin 1528 1.0
1 B 0 23 George, Michael 1924 1.0
2 N 1 41 George, Thomas 0 0.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
25 1528 1.0 0.0 1.0 1540 10.50 12.00 1.50 4.0 -
30   A
Squelart, Francois
  30 Squelart, Francois 1545 1.0
1 N 0 1 Andre, Damien 1977 4.5
2 B 0 21 Daher, Mustafa 0 1.5
3 B 1 35 George, Lucas 1490 0.5
4 - A        
5 - A        
24 1545 1.0 0.0 1.0 1417 10.50 12.00 1.50 3.0 -
31   A
Leclercq, Lucas
  31 Leclercq, Lucas 1605 1.0
1 B 1 34 Randour, Gaspard 0 1.0
2 N 0 17 Braet, Thierry 1672 2.0
3 N 0 15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
18 1605 1.0 0.0 1.0 1406 10.00 12.00 2.00 5.0 -
32   A
Degrave, Arthur
  32 Degrave, Arthur 1468 1.0
1 B 0 13 Daher, Mahmoud 1711 2.5
2 N 1 34 Randour, Gaspard 0 1.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
29 1468 1.0 0.0 1.0 1404 10.00 12.00 2.00 4.0 -
33 G A
Randour, Hector
  33 Randour, Hector 0 1.0
1 B 0 16 Dal Zot, David 1614 2.0
2 N ½ 35 George, Lucas 1490 0.5
3 B ½ 26 Bouque, Gabriel 0 1.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
37 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 925 9.50 11.00 1.75 3.5 -
34   A
Randour, Gaspard
  34 Randour, Gaspard 0 1.0
1 N 0 31 Leclercq, Lucas 1605 1.0
2 B 0 32 Degrave, Arthur 1468 1.0
3 N 1 39 Dal Zot, Alissia 0 0.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
38 0 1.0 0.0 1.0 914 9.00 10.00 1.00 3.0 -
35   A
George, Lucas
  35 George, Lucas 1490 0.5
1 N 0 4 Engelen, Audric 1719 4.0
2 B ½ 33 Randour, Hector 0 1.0
3 N 0 30 Squelart, Francois 1545 1.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
28 1490 0.5 0.0 0.5 1189 10.00 11.50 1.00 2.0 -
36   A
Moury, Baptiste
  36 Moury, Baptiste 1585 0.0
1 N 0 6 Cebeci, Florian 0 3.5
2 B 0 12 Roly, Antoine 1590 3.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
21 1585 0.0 0.0 0.0 799 9.50 10.50 0.00 0.0 -
37   A
Piette Jacques, Gabriel
  37 Piette Jacques, Gabriel 1504 0.0
1 B 0 5 Moens, Bernard 1744 3.5
2 - A        
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
27 1504 0.0 0.0 0.0 1274 9.50 10.50 0.00 0.0 -
38   A
Hebrant, Sacha
  38 Hebrant, Sacha 0 0.0
1 B 0 24 Pirard, Hugo 1591 1.0
2 N 0 11 Danloy, Lucas 1435 3.0
3 B 0 20 Buchkremer, Quentin 1517 2.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
39 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 837 9.50 10.50 0.00 0.0 -
39   A
Dal Zot, Alissia
  39 Dal Zot, Alissia 0 0.0
1 B 0 17 Braet, Thierry 1672 2.0
2 N 0 25 Pecceu, Antoine 1580 1.0
3 B 0 34 Randour, Gaspard 0 1.0
4 - A        
5 - A        
31 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 407 9.00 10.00 0.00 0.0 -
40   A
Bourgeois, Clement
  40 Bourgeois, Clement 0 0.0
1 N 0 9 Andre, Robin 1657 3.0
2 - A        
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
34 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1187 9.00 10.00 0.00 0.0 -
41   A
George, Thomas
  41 George, Thomas 0 0.0
1 N 0 18 Lebec, Clement 1618 2.0
2 B 0 29 Degrave, Corentin 1528 1.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
36 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 984 8.00 9.00 0.00 0.0 -
42   A
Degrave, Ethel
  42 Degrave, Ethel 0 0.0
1 N 0 15 Belin, Simon 1672 2.0
2 B 0 22 Moumni, Sabri 1575 1.0
3 - A        
4 - A        
5 - A        
32 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1035 7.00 8.00 0.00 0.0 -
Haut de page  
Ronde 1 (31/05/2024) Résultats
Tbl Nom Prénom Points N Elo Res. Nom Prénom Points N Elo
1 Werner, Ivan 0.0 (2066) 1-0 Pecceu, Antoine 0.0 (1580)
2 Moumni, Sabri 0.0 (1575) 0-1 Lejeune, Vincent 0.0 (1978)
3 Andre, Damien 0.0 (1977) 1-0 Squelart, Francois 0.0 (1545)
4 Degrave, Corentin 0.0 (1528) 0-1 George, Michael 0.0 (1924)
5 Engelen, Vincent 0.0 (1849) 1-0 Buchkremer, Quentin 0.0 (1517)
6 Piette Jacques, Gabriel 0.0 (1504) 0-1 Moens, Bernard 0.0 (1744)
7 Engelen, Audric 0.0 (1719) 1-0 George, Lucas 0.0 (1490)
8 Degrave, Arthur 0.0 (1468) 0-1 Daher, Mahmoud 0.0 (1711)
9 Huang, Kayan 0.0 (1700) 1-0 Danloy, Lucas 0.0 (1435)
10 Dal Zot, Alissia 0.0 (0) 0-1 Braet, Thierry 0.0 (1672)
11 Belin, Simon 0.0 (1672) 1-0 Degrave, Ethel 0.0 (0)
12 Daher, Mustafa 0.0 (0) 0-1 Van Brussel, Thomas 0.0 (1660)
13 Andre, Robin 0.0 (1657) 1-0 Bourgeois, Clement 0.0 (0)
14 Rouchet, Noah 0.0 (0) 0-1 Maloteau, Pierre 0.0 (1625)
15 Lebec, Clement 0.0 (1618) 1-0 George, Thomas 0.0 (0)
16 Randour, Hector 0.0 (0) 0-1 Dal Zot, David 0.0 (1614)
17 Leclercq, Lucas 0.0 (1605) 1-0 Randour, Gaspard 0.0 (0)
18 Hebrant, Sacha 0.0 (0) 0-1 Pirard, Hugo 0.0 (1591)
19 Roly, Antoine 0.0 (1590) ½-½ Bouque, Gabriel 0.0 (0)
20 Cebeci, Florian 0.0 (0) 1-0 Moury, Baptiste 0.0 (1585)
  Maglio, Lorenzo 0.0 (0) 1 Bye  
  Drugmand, Benoit 0.0 (1816) 0 Absent  
Haut de page  
Ronde 2 (31/05/2024) Résultats
Tbl Nom Prénom Points N Elo Res. Nom Prénom Points N Elo
1 Van Brussel, Thomas 1.0 (1660) 0-1 Werner, Ivan 1.0 (2066)
2 Lejeune, Vincent 1.0 (1978) 1-0 Belin, Simon 1.0 (1672)
3 Maloteau, Pierre 1.0 (1625) 0-1 Andre, Damien 1.0 (1977)
4 Dal Zot, David 1.0 (1614) 0-1 Engelen, Vincent 1.0 (1849)
5 Moens, Bernard 1.0 (1744) ½-½ Andre, Robin 1.0 (1657)
6 Pirard, Hugo 1.0 (1591) 0-1 Engelen, Audric 1.0 (1719)
7 Daher, Mahmoud 1.0 (1711) 1-0 Lebec, Clement 1.0 (1618)
8 Maglio, Lorenzo 1.0 (0) 0-1 Huang, Kayan 1.0 (1700)
9 Braet, Thierry 1.0 (1672) 1-0 Leclercq, Lucas 1.0 (1605)
10 Bouque, Gabriel 0.5 (0) 0-1 Cebeci, Florian 1.0 (0)
11 Moury, Baptiste 0.0 (1585) 0-1 Roly, Antoine 0.5 (1590)
12 Pecceu, Antoine 0.0 (1580) 1-0 Dal Zot, Alissia 0.0 (0)
13 Degrave, Ethel 0.0 (0) 0-1 Moumni, Sabri 0.0 (1575)
14 Squelart, Francois 0.0 (1545) 0-1 Daher, Mustafa 0.0 (0)
15 George, Thomas 0.0 (0) 0-1 Degrave, Corentin 0.0 (1528)
16 Buchkremer, Quentin 0.0 (1517) 0-1 Rouchet, Noah 0.0 (0)
17 George, Lucas 0.0 (1490) ½-½ Randour, Hector 0.0 (0)
18 Randour, Gaspard 0.0 (0) 0-1 Degrave, Arthur 0.0 (1468)
19 Danloy, Lucas 0.0 (1435) 1-0 Hebrant, Sacha 0.0 (0)
  Bourgeois, Clement 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Drugmand, Benoit 0.0 (1816) 0 Absent  
  George, Michael 1.0 (1924) 0 Absent  
  Piette Jacques, Gabriel 0.0 (1504) 0 Absent  
Haut de page  
Ronde 3 (31/05/2024) Résultats
Tbl Nom Prénom Points N Elo Res. Nom Prénom Points N Elo
1 Werner, Ivan 2.0 (2066) 1-0 Engelen, Audric 2.0 (1719)
2 Cebeci, Florian 2.0 (0) 0-1 Lejeune, Vincent 2.0 (1978)
3 Andre, Damien 2.0 (1977) 1-0 Daher, Mahmoud 2.0 (1711)
4 Engelen, Vincent 2.0 (1849) 1-0 Braet, Thierry 2.0 (1672)
5 Huang, Kayan 2.0 (1700) 0-1 Moens, Bernard 1.5 (1744)
6 Andre, Robin 1.5 (1657) 1-0 Roly, Antoine 1.5 (1590)
7 Belin, Simon 1.0 (1672) 1-0 Leclercq, Lucas 1.0 (1605)
8 Moumni, Sabri 1.0 (1575) 0-1 Van Brussel, Thomas 1.0 (1660)
9 Daher, Mustafa 1.0 (0) 0-1 Maloteau, Pierre 1.0 (1625)
10 Lebec, Clement 1.0 (1618) 0-1 Danloy, Lucas 1.0 (1435)
11 Rouchet, Noah 1.0 (0) 0-1 Dal Zot, David 1.0 (1614)
12 Randour, Hector 0.5 (0) ½-½ Bouque, Gabriel 0.5 (0)
13 Squelart, Francois 0.0 (1545) 1-0 George, Lucas 0.5 (1490)
14 Hebrant, Sacha 0.0 (0) 0-1 Buchkremer, Quentin 0.0 (1517)
15 Dal Zot, Alissia 0.0 (0) 0-1 Randour, Gaspard 0.0 (0)
  Bourgeois, Clement 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Arthur 1.0 (1468) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Corentin 1.0 (1528) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Ethel 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Drugmand, Benoit 0.0 (1816) 0 Absent  
  George, Michael 1.0 (1924) 0 Absent  
  George, Thomas 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Maglio, Lorenzo 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Moury, Baptiste 0.0 (1585) 0 Absent  
  Pecceu, Antoine 1.0 (1580) 0 Absent  
  Piette Jacques, Gabriel 0.0 (1504) 0 Absent  
  Pirard, Hugo 1.0 (1591) 0 Absent  
Haut de page  
Ronde 4 (31/05/2024) Résultats
Tbl Nom Prénom Points N Elo Res. Nom Prénom Points N Elo
1 Andre, Damien 3.0 (1977) 1-0 Werner, Ivan 3.0 (2066)
2 Lejeune, Vincent 3.0 (1978) 1-0 Engelen, Vincent 3.0 (1849)
3 Engelen, Audric 2.0 (1719) 1-0 Moens, Bernard 2.5 (1744)
4 Daher, Mahmoud 2.0 (1711) ½-½ Andre, Robin 2.5 (1657)
5 Maloteau, Pierre 2.0 (1625) 0-1 Huang, Kayan 2.0 (1700)
6 Danloy, Lucas 2.0 (1435) 1-0 Belin, Simon 2.0 (1672)
7 Van Brussel, Thomas 2.0 (1660) ½-½ Cebeci, Florian 2.0 (0)
8 Roly, Antoine 1.5 (1590) ½-½ Lebec, Clement 1.0 (1618)
9 Buchkremer, Quentin 1.0 (1517) 1-0 Moumni, Sabri 1.0 (1575)
10 Drugmand, Benoit 0.0 (1816) 1-0 Daher, Mustafa 1.0 (0)
  Bouque, Gabriel 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Bourgeois, Clement 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Braet, Thierry 2.0 (1672) 0 Absent  
  Dal Zot, Alissia 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Dal Zot, David 2.0 (1614) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Arthur 1.0 (1468) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Corentin 1.0 (1528) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Ethel 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  George, Lucas 0.5 (1490) 0 Absent  
  George, Michael 1.0 (1924) 0 Absent  
  George, Thomas 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Hebrant, Sacha 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Leclercq, Lucas 1.0 (1605) 0 Absent  
  Maglio, Lorenzo 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Moury, Baptiste 0.0 (1585) 0 Absent  
  Pecceu, Antoine 1.0 (1580) 0 Absent  
  Piette Jacques, Gabriel 0.0 (1504) 0 Absent  
  Pirard, Hugo 1.0 (1591) 0 Absent  
  Randour, Gaspard 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Randour, Hector 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Rouchet, Noah 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Squelart, Francois 1.0 (1545) 0 Absent  
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Ronde 5 (31/05/2024) Résultats
Tbl Nom Prénom Points N Elo Res. Nom Prénom Points N Elo
1 Lejeune, Vincent 4.0 (1978) ½-½ Andre, Damien 4.0 (1977)
2 Werner, Ivan 3.0 (2066) 1-0 Huang, Kayan 3.0 (1700)
3 Andre, Robin 3.0 (1657) 0-1 Engelen, Audric 3.0 (1719)
4 Engelen, Vincent 3.0 (1849) 0-1 Cebeci, Florian 2.5 (0)
5 Moens, Bernard 2.5 (1744) 1-0 Daher, Mahmoud 2.5 (1711)
6 Belin, Simon 2.0 (1672) 0-1ff Roly, Antoine 2.0 (1590)
7 Buchkremer, Quentin 2.0 (1517) 0-1 Maloteau, Pierre 2.0 (1625)
8 Lebec, Clement 1.5 (1618) ½-½ Daher, Mustafa 1.0 (0)
9 Moumni, Sabri 1.0 (1575) 0-1 Drugmand, Benoit 1.0 (1816)
  Bouque, Gabriel 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Bourgeois, Clement 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Braet, Thierry 2.0 (1672) 0 Absent  
  Dal Zot, Alissia 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Dal Zot, David 2.0 (1614) 0 Absent  
  Danloy, Lucas 3.0 (1435) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Arthur 1.0 (1468) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Corentin 1.0 (1528) 0 Absent  
  Degrave, Ethel 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  George, Lucas 0.5 (1490) 0 Absent  
  George, Michael 1.0 (1924) 0 Absent  
  George, Thomas 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Hebrant, Sacha 0.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Leclercq, Lucas 1.0 (1605) 0 Absent  
  Maglio, Lorenzo 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Moury, Baptiste 0.0 (1585) 0 Absent  
  Pecceu, Antoine 1.0 (1580) 0 Absent  
  Piette Jacques, Gabriel 0.0 (1504) 0 Absent  
  Pirard, Hugo 1.0 (1591) 0 Absent  
  Randour, Gaspard 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Randour, Hector 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Rouchet, Noah 1.0 (0) 0 Absent  
  Squelart, Francois 1.0 (1545) 0 Absent  
  Van Brussel, Thomas 2.5 (1660) 0 Absent  
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